
Cynthia’s Primrose Tea – SOLD OUT
Our second annual spring tea will revisit Cynthia’s Primrose Tea at the rectory. The afternoon will include a silent auction, tea treats straight from the Mitford Cookbook & Kitchen Reader, an art exhibition by Donna Ernest, an opportunity to tour the museum, and, of course, a chance to hear from our favorite author, Jan. There will also be a special visit from a beloved Mitford character don’t ya know!
Tickets went on sale April 1 and sold out on April 4. We’re so excited to see our guests on May 20!
Our annual tea is a fundraiser in support of the museum’s focus on literacy. In 2023 the beneficiary of the tea is the NC branch of the International Dyslexia Association (NCIDA) which provides statewide outreach and professional training for teachers and tutors in addition to supporting parents of children facing dyslexia. The association also works to educate the public about dyslexia by sharing research and education. NCIDA President Nancy Coffman will share her insights.
Among the many dyslexia success stories are Thomas Edison, Stephen Spielberg, Fannie Flagg, and Charles Schwab. Dyslexia is a neurological condition caused by a different wiring of the brain. There is no cure for dyslexia and individuals with this condition must learn coping strategies. Research indicates that dyslexia has no relationship to intelligence. Individuals with dyslexia are neither more nor less intelligent than the general population.
Why are we interested? At The Mitford Museum, we’re eager for everyone to enjoy the unlimited adventure of reading.
145 Cedar Valley Road
Hudson, NC 28638